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  • By using BestCasinosChoice Casino Complains Service/AGCCS/, you hereby accept these terms and conditions:
  • BestCasinosChoice Casino Complaint Service is completely free and does not collect nor require any charges from users.
  • BestCasinosChoice Casino Complaint Service acts as a mediatory service between casino operators and player complaints, offered by BestCasinosChoice.
  • BestCasinosChoice cannot accept responsibility for the outcome of any complaint submitted through its Casino Complaint Service.
  • Only registered members of BestCasinosChoice may access and utilize our Complaint Service.


Your authorization permits BestCasinosChoice Complaints Team to request and/or receive from the affected casino operator information regarding your casino account, registered details, gambling logs/activity logs/activity reports/other such data that would help us properly identify and adjudicate on an issue in an objective and fair manner.

BestCasinosChoice reserves the right to either reject and/or mark as Resolved any complaint case that does not comply with our Complaint Guidelines, including missing essential details like registered user username or email.

BestCasinosChoice Casino Complaint Service is accessible by anyone; any posts and/or files posted and attached to a complaint case become public knowledge, therefore players have an obligation to conceal/mask any sensitive or personal data included within these posts and files.

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BestCasinosChoice does not permit discussions and exchange of information concerning our Complaint Process through Skype, Live Chat or any other channels of communication; only email is accepted as the only communication tool allowed for discussions of complaint cases on BestCasinosChoice.

Players and casino representatives involved with BestCasinosChoice Casino Complaint Service could request that their complaint case is reopened up to two times; however, BestCasinosChoice reserves the right to deny such requests if no reasonable grounds for doing so were present.

BestCasinosChoice consider and judge each complaint case solely based on facts and evidence presented during our Complaint Process.

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We reserve the right to issue warnings should any rules have been broken by you; these warnings will only be issued if it was minor and one time only; since everyone deserves another chance at life! So make use of every second chance in which it arises as they won’t come again!

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